MEGA PROMOCIONAL! Privativo Carneiros de segunda a domingo para grupos de até 6 pessoas incluindo passeio catamarã e excelente base de apoio com bar, restaurante, redário, chuveiro, etc. VOCÊ SÓ ENCONTRA AQUI! Monte seu grupo e venha com a gente!!!
INFORME AO SEU ATENDENTE: Quantas vagas desejas, qual forma de pagamento fará e seus dados cadastrais como nome completo, identidade e whatsapp.
Atendemos pelos:
Atendemos pelos:
81 99394-6134 (WhatsApp)
81 98493-9907
#vempassea #batevolta #receptivos #receptivo #carneirosbeach #praiadoscarneiros #litoralbrasileiro
PROMOTIONAL MEGA! Private Sheep from Monday to Sunday for groups of up to 6 people including catamaran ride and excellent support base with bar, restaurant, hammock, shower, etc. YOU ONLY FIND HERE! Ride your group and come with us !!!
INFORM YOUR SERVICE: How many vacancies do you want, what form of payment will you make and your registration details such as full name, identity and whatsapp.
We serve by:
+55 81 99394-6134 (WhatsApp)
+55 81 98493-9907
#vempassea #batevolta #receptives #receptive #meatbeach #beachings #litoralbrasileiro
PROMOTIONAL MEGA! Private Sheep from Monday to Sunday for groups of up to 6 people including catamaran ride and excellent support base with bar, restaurant, hammock, shower, etc. YOU ONLY FIND HERE! Ride your group and come with us !!!
INFORM YOUR SERVICE: How many vacancies do you want, what form of payment will you make and your registration details such as full name, identity and whatsapp.
We serve by:
+55 81 99394-6134 (WhatsApp)
+55 81 98493-9907
#vempassea #batevolta #receptives #receptive #meatbeach #beachings #litoralbrasileiro
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