Bate Volta Maragogi 15 Fevereiro
Saída Subway Praça do Derby
Horário às 6:30h. Retorno 16h.
.🔹 Transporte executivo;
🔹 Coordenador credenciado;
🔹 Parada no Rei das coxinhas;
🔸 DayUse no Barra Mar Beach Club com piscina, cabana de charme, 25 reais rebatidos em consumação, espreguiçadeira, ducha, wifi, fraudário, salão de jogos e vestiários troca roupas.
.🔸Política de Cancelamento: O Valor em percentual a ser restituído será (de acordo com a deliberação normativa n°161 de 09 de Agosto de 1985, da Embratur):
- 90% de até 31 dias do início da viagem
- 80% de 20 dias do inicio da viagem
- 0% de 19 dias do inicio da viagem
🔸Política de Transporte:
- 2 a 6 pessoas: Carro Executivo;.
- 7 a 15 pessoas: Van Executiva;.
- 16 a 27 pessoas: Micro-ônibus Executivo;.
Investimento: 160,00 à vista ou até 12x em todos os cartões de crédito com acréscimo. (crianças até 3 anos não paga)
INFORME AO SEU ATENDENTE: Quantas vagas desejas, qual forma de pagamento fará e seus dados cadastrais como nome completo, identidade e whatsapp. Atendemos pelo 81 98493-9907
Vem Passear pelo Nordeste (PE PB AL RN)
Sua nova empresa de Bate Voltas
#vempassear #batevolta #saidaderecife #barramar #maragogi
#contratevempassea #whatsapp81984939907
Bate Volta Maragogi February 15
Exit Subway Derby Square
Opening hours at 6: 30h. Return 16h.
.🔹 Executive transportation;
🔹 Accredited coordinator;
🔹 Stop at the Rei das coxinhas;
🔸 DayUse at Barra Mar Beach Club with swimming pool, charming hut, R $ 25 consumed, sun lounger, shower, wifi, fraud, games room and changing rooms.
.🔸Cancellation Policy: The amount in percentage to be refunded will be (according to normative resolution No. 161 of August 9, 1985, by Embratur):
- 90% up to 31 days from the start of the trip
- 80% 20 days from the start of the trip
- 0% of 19 days from the start of the trip
🔸 Transport Policy:
- 2 to 6 people: Executive Car ;.
- 7 to 15 people: Executive Van ;.
- 16 to 27 people: Executive minibus;
Investment: 160.00 in cash or up to 12x in all credit cards with surcharge. (children under 3 do not pay)
INFORM YOUR SERVICE: How many vacancies do you want, what form of payment will you make and your registration details such as full name, identity and whatsapp. We serve by 81 98493-9907
Come for a walk in the Northeast (PE PB AL RN)
Your new Bata Voltas company
We service WhatsApp 81 9.8493.9907 online
#vempassear #batevolta #saidaderecife #barramar #maragogi
#contratevempassea # whatsapp81984939907
Exit Subway Derby Square
Opening hours at 6: 30h. Return 16h.
.🔹 Executive transportation;
🔹 Accredited coordinator;
🔹 Stop at the Rei das coxinhas;
🔸 DayUse at Barra Mar Beach Club with swimming pool, charming hut, R $ 25 consumed, sun lounger, shower, wifi, fraud, games room and changing rooms.
.🔸Cancellation Policy: The amount in percentage to be refunded will be (according to normative resolution No. 161 of August 9, 1985, by Embratur):
- 90% up to 31 days from the start of the trip
- 80% 20 days from the start of the trip
- 0% of 19 days from the start of the trip
🔸 Transport Policy:
- 2 to 6 people: Executive Car ;.
- 7 to 15 people: Executive Van ;.
- 16 to 27 people: Executive minibus;
Investment: 160.00 in cash or up to 12x in all credit cards with surcharge. (children under 3 do not pay)
INFORM YOUR SERVICE: How many vacancies do you want, what form of payment will you make and your registration details such as full name, identity and whatsapp. We serve by 81 98493-9907
Come for a walk in the Northeast (PE PB AL RN)
Your new Bata Voltas company
We service WhatsApp 81 9.8493.9907 online
#vempassear #batevolta #saidaderecife #barramar #maragogi
#contratevempassea # whatsapp81984939907
Receptivos em Paraísos
Nordeste PE AL PB RN
BateVoltas Vem Passea praias, shows
Realize seu sonho WhatsApp 81 9.8493.9907
Nordeste PE AL PB RN
BateVoltas Vem Passea praias, shows
Realize seu sonho WhatsApp 81 9.8493.9907
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